Stronger Together: Your REALTOR® Associations Are Working for You
Your Business. Your Clients. Your Community. Did you know your local REALTOR® association and Texa...
Your Business. Your Clients. Your Community. Did you know your local REALTOR® association and Texa...
Your business is better because of your membership in Texas REALTORS®. For less than $160 in annual...
The Texas REALTORS® Accounting and Membership Department handles the association’s record-keeping...
Texas REALTORS® has earned Diamond Commercial Services Accreditation from NAR—the highest possibl...
Real estate may be a people business, but there’s a lot of technology behind it. The Texas REALTO...
Want to promote your value and help explain changes in the real estate marketplace? The Texas REALT...
Knowledge of current real estate issues will help you establish trust with your clients and as a lea...
Want a way to showcase the benefits of hiring a REALTOR®? Need help to explain or combat misinforma...
If you cannot resolve a dispute with a client or fellow REALTOR®, you may need an impartial third p...
Why should consumers work with you? What do the changes in compensation mean for real estate transac...
The Texas REALTORS® Meetings Department serves you by creating opportunities for you and your fello...
What the government does affects your work. The Texas REALTORS® Governmental Affairs Department ser...
The Texas REALTORS® Association and Member Development Department serves you by coordinating profes...
The Communications and Marketing Department is the voice of Texas REALTORS®. The 10-member team pla...
When you’re ready to purchase a home, working with a professional can help you meet your goals. Th...
The Texas REALTORS® Operations Department serves you and all members by handling administrative fun...
Did you know there are actions you can take to make your home sell swiftly? Here are four tips to do...
The Texas REALTORS® Legal Affairs Department provides legal guidance that benefits you, the associa...
REALTORS® who have been sued or need to bring legal action may receive financial or other legal ass...
One of the most popular member benefits for REALTORS® in Texas is the association’s Legal Hotline...
Working in real estate can be very rewarding, but it can also involve many risks. Thankfully, as a m...
You know the value you bring to your clients and community. There’s a real difference working with...
Texas REALTORS® communicates constantly. The association is in ongoing dialogue with stakeholders t...
Want to learn about assistance animals, commercial opportunity zones, flood disclosure, or the legal...
Did you know that ... Retail rents in Fort Worth rose 1.8% Q4 2017 to Q4 2018? Dallas, Fort Wo...
The Texas REALTORS® is developing a refreshed brand, and we want your input. Take our five-minute ...
Take a look at the Member Benefits section of your newly redesigned member website. You’ll find a...
You get a lot of value from your Texas REALTORS® membership, including legal tools, forms, legislat...