At its August 8 meeting, The Texas Real Estate Commission voted to propose changes to several promulgated forms. You can comment on the proposed changes until September 26. All comments will be considered at the October TREC Broker-Lawyer Committee Meeting. Learn more about the proposed changes on the TREC website.

What about the proposed rule where an agent must be supervised for their first 3 transactions for every type transactions and for each party to the transaction. Example SFR first 3 buyers and first 3 sellers. Condo first 3 buyers and first 3 sellers. Lease first 3 landlords and first 3 tenants. Etc, etc, etc. This is going to be a nightmare for a broker to track.
on the Addendum Regarding Residential Leases, would be nice to have a box to check if current Tenant is the Buyer…
On the Animal Agreement, would be nice to have a box in section 3 that says N/A….
It would be helpful if changes to the Contracts and other Documents we use would be adjusted or changed once per year around January 1. We just had 7 new forms and 40 other forms changed last month in the middle of our busiest season of the year. Some of the changes we received were needed but many of the changes are minor and should be better coordinated to a once a year change around a January 1 time period. We are required to use the most current forms but in the middle of the summer having 47 forms dropped… Read more »
Bill — Very good point. Please send your comments to the Broker-Lawyer Committee.
Why are we waiting 5 days to enter an executed contract into MLS? The home is either under contract or it is not. That number of days needs to be reduced to 48 hours or 2 days.